Hidden Gems in East Sussex
This was a new experiment for a day of garden visits in which members bring their own picnic lunch to enjoy whilst visiting two very special private gardens. The day was been organised by Charlotte Maclean, Deputy Chairman of EBTS UK, who kindly invited everyone to her garden for a lunch break and photographs were taken by Chris Redston.
The day begin in Warbleton, where the garden has been recently developed by Arne Maynard. Our host Lord Barker guided us round his garden showing us how the garden has been brilliantly redesigned. The use of large topiary at the entrance to the house was particularly fine and belies its infancy.
Lunch was a bring your own picnic in the next-door village of Dallington, the weather was great so we all picniced in the garden, with some wonderful light snacks and wine provided by our Deputy Chairman, Charlotte.

Fairlight End
The afternoon visit was to the home of Chris and Robin Hutt, set in the Weald only a mile from the sea. The 18thC house is at the highest point in the garden with views down a steep slope across the countryside. The three-acre garden contains extensive wildflower meadows with mown paths. Near to the house, Ian Kitson has designed a split-level garden with a Corten steel wall and plant supports, herbaceous planting and decking all around an ancient cherry tree. Informally clipped groups of hornbeam, hawthorn, holly, pine and yew are scattered through the garden, their shapes reflecting those of hedgerows and tree canopies in the borrowed landscape beyond the garden. Fairlight End received a 2015 Award from the Sussex Heritage Trust.