Carpeting & Weeding
Team: Ashley, Lena & Andrew
Topbuxus CARPET applied today; coverage appox 30-40% of total collection at recommended depth of 3cms.
(We are asking for guidance re what ‘material’ to use to cover the remainder of the collection. Our preference would be CARPET, to the entire area , including pathways etc, as this would result in a more uniform appearance, and control).
Photos taken before/after both GROW and CARPET applications as evidence, and for evaluation of results/improvements etc.
Ashley is buying a sprayer this week as we plan to spray entire collection with HEALTHMIX this coming weekend , and again one week later. Thereafter, we intend spraying at 6 weekly intervals through to Oct/Nov , as per TOPBUXUS published usage instructions.
Further GROW applications – June , and August.
We have not used any herbicide to control weeds; currently weed growth is weak, and controllable by regular hand weeding.
Next Time:
As Topbuxus generously agreed to supply the rest of the ‘Carpet’ for free and EBTS UK funded the delivery costs ‘Carpet’ will be applied to the rest of the site and more weeding will be done.