More Carpeting & 1st HealthMix spray
Work Team: Ashley, Lena & Andrew
Today we spread a further 60 bags of CARPET around the collection and now only have probably 10-15% of the area left to treat.
This remaining area is adjacent to the side of the office/cabin and is in need of a bit more prep to remove weed/bramble growth, and also some leveling of the land/filling in of potholes etc. We plan to do this next week-end.
Similarly, we sprayed HEALTHMIX to all plants except those in the area still to be weeded etc.
Ashley has made good progress with the fence, and hopes this will be finished this coming week.
We also sprayed HEALTHMIX on the plants in the metal containers in the tunnel/tent. These plants are showing strong growth and recovery from the fluted scale infestation last autumn, though sooty mold is still seen. It is our intention to plant out these containerised plants as advised – soon – but not sure when. Hopefully treatment with the TOPBUXUS system, and ‘open’ air will see them thrive again.
We have given Ashley a calendar (excel spreadsheet), showing tasks done, planned etc, so we have a record to refer to when evaluating results etc. and also to ensure compliance with TOPBUXUS programme of treatments.
We have also sent Rosie Yeomans (Plant Heritage Area Coordinator) the plant list, for nomenclature/format approval etc, prior to submitting our formal Proposal for a ‘Buxus National Collection’, which needs to be done by end of May. (This list is not finalised, as there is some 20+ plants currently without labels and in need of identification – we are working on this).