Up close and detailed
EBTS UK was recently approached by Dr Richard Roscoe, a photographer of volcanoes by profession, so why was he getting in contact with the Chairman of a society that’s focus isn’t quit as dangerous or hot? Well it turns out Dr Roscoe has boxwood in his garden in Munich, where he lives, and unfortunately the box moths and caterpillars have been attacking his plants. Where as we reached for our pheromone traps and sprays, he also reached for his camera and has taken the most amazing pictures and videos over the last 3 years of the life cycle of Cydalima perspectalis.
He has kindly let us show a few here on the EBTS UK website, but if you want to read how they were taken and see even more, then click on the link below.
We’d like to thank Dr Roscoe for sharing his amazing work with us. If you come across any websites that you think other EBTS members or website visitors would appreciate, send the link to website@ebts.org